
Sunday 23 March 2014

Professor Kenny Mitchell and Malgorzata 'Maggie' Kosek of Disney Research

We just confirmed a couple more guest speakers for the day :)

Giving a talk on "Concept Art in High Tech Production", Malgorzata 'Maggie' Kosek and Professor Kenny Mitchell of Disney Research.

"In this talk we cover the role of concept art in technological productions.

Many inspirational artworks created by artists using traditional tools (for example Ralph McQuarrie's legacy) have been instrumental in the process of communicating a shared vision of a ground breaking movie, technology or way of looking at the world.

Creating concepts on paper or matte painting with oil on glass require years of training, a dedicated studio, and there is no undo button. Whereas, digital tools make the creation process simple.

We will cover traditional and digital tools for creating concepts and characters, including how 3d concept preparation is increasingly useful today. The numerous interesting connections of Manga and comic art to our recent productions and research prototypes will be highlighted including toys, digital comics and augmented reality games."

DeeCon Team