Hi DeeConners!
We would like to announce that the lovely Sasashie has been confirmed as another cosplay guest and judge for the cosplay competition.
Sasashie has been cosplaying since 2008 and has won various awards for her cosplaying at D-Con and London MCM expos.
We are again excited to have such an experienced cosplayer on the judging panel.
Be sure to check out her facebook page!
Sign up to our cosplay events here:
The final date for signing up to our cosplay events is March 29th! So don't wait any longer people!
DeeCon Team

Dee Con (previously known as DOJ-CON) is a free anime, comics, games and animation convention, held on all 5 floors of our famous University of Dundee Union. It’s a whole day of jolly good fun, featuring artists tables, film screenings, industry presentations, cosplaying, and a whole lot more! It is also the fundraiser for the animation Degree Show at DJCAD, Dundee. Dee Con, April 5th 2014. This year the event is running alongside Dundee Comics Expo.